Book an appointment.

How to book

  1. Use our booking system to select a service, date and time.

  2. Pay the requested deposit.

  3. Your appointment date and time will be confirmed once your deposit has been received.

Please note that booking times are an estimate only. Due to the nature of the job our appointment times are not a guaranteed time. Where we can, we will always message or call to say we are on our way to you. Please keep an eye out for our messages on the day of your appointment.

Our bank is a Monzo Business account, it may come up with an error saying details do not match. If this happens, double check the details and then press continue. This is to stop fraud and payments being sent to the wrong people.

Due to the nature of the work, all prices quoted are an estimate until the condition of your vehicle has been evaluated.

Appointment Terms & Conditions

To confirm a booking, a non-refundable minimum deposit of £10.00 will be required for all services. This excludes detailing or any bespoke services, which require a £50.00 deposit. Once your deposit has been received, we will provide final confirmation of your appointment date and time.

Once a appointment is confirmed, we will require the following:

  • Your address details

  • A contact number (ideally a mobile)

For many of the services, it is your responsibility to ensure we have access to power and water on the day and that there is sufficient space around the vehicle to undertake the service required. If we are required to bring water, this must be made clear to us within 24 hours of your appointment time. Failure to inform us of this may result in us being unable to undertake the service and your deposit will not be refunded.

Following the service, payment must be settled immediately via cash, card or bank transfer. If an invoice is required, please ensure this is requested in advance.

Appointment Times

Booking times are an estimate only. Due to the nature of the job, our appointment times are not a guaranteed time. Where we can, we will always message or call to say we are on our way to you. Please keep an eye out for our messages on the day of your appointment.

Cancellation and Rescheduling

Should you wish to cancel or reschedule your appointment, this must be requested 3 days in advance of your appointment time and date. If an appointment cancellation falls outside of these terms, your deposit will not be refunded but you are welcome to re-book for another date using our booking system.

Should Premier Shine Andover need to cancel your appointment, your deposit will be fully refunded.

Weather can be a major factor when undertaking services and is out of our control. We will always endeavour to inform you of an appointment that requires rescheduling as soon as possible.