Sustainability & Car Valeting

Whilst the world is trying to move to a more sustainable way of working, we are also looking at ways that we can improve the processes and chemicals we use to produce less waste and move to a more eco-focused future.

A large part of our services require water and travelling to our clients. We’ve been thinking of ways that we can help to reduce our carbon footprint now and in the future, to keep the same high-level service but move to a more sustainable model. Whilst this won’t happen overnight, we’re working towards the following:

  • We currently use steam for interiors.

  • We make full use of the water we use on the exterior of the vehicle by investing in high quality products to reduce wastage such as leaks.

  • Use of a high-powered jet washer which uses less water than domestic ones (190 litres vs 500 litres).

  • Our products are Ph neutral, with very minimal use of harsher chemicals. These harsher chemicals only tend to be used on wheels and any hard-to-shift stains or marks.

  • Very little single-use products in our toolbox, our products get washed and reused to reduce waste.

  • We hand down products we can no longer use with our customers - often to friends annd family, to keep waste from landfill.

  • Our mobile service means that you don’t need to drive to us and back unecessarily - just one journey by us.

  • Being mobile, allows us to use natural light - rather than paying to keep the lights on in unit.

How does the future look? What else can we do? Whilst we would love to invest in an electric van, right now this isn’t logistically and financially doable whilst keeping ourselves competitive in the marketplace.

This is one of our longer visions - to move to an electric vans when the price point and infrastructure allows us to do so.

Another area for the future is looking at offsetting our carbon footprint. Currently we ensure the vans we do use are in good working order and as efficient as possible but we know that we can do a little extra by getting involved with some of the offsetting schemes available to us in the UK.

Whilst we can’t claim to be 100% sustainable, we’re making as many changes as possible to get there and do our bit for the environment and planet. Its important to us that the small companies make just as much effort as the large ones, and thats why we’re on a mission to enure we do all we can to be part of this future change.


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